Mumboss by Vicki Psarias | Book Review

This is one of the those books that I would say, I wish I had when I was in need of support, whilst going through that particular episode of motherhood.  Raising kids, working full time, feeling unfulfilled at work, but still going with along with the daily grind to maintain the status quo.

This book Mumboss – A guide to surviving and thriving at work and at home by Vicki Psarias is the answer to many women that are going through that stage of life.

Vicki is a a multi-award winning blogger, vlogger, filmmaker and no.1 bestselling author, and mum to two gorgeous boys.  I have been following Vicki Psarias for many years now after finding her entertaining parenting and gluten free recipe tweets on twitter.  I remember thinking – what a cool mum to follow, she is witty, has a great blog, shares her parenting experiences and is a gluten food foodie like me.

From the time I picked this book up I couldn’t put it down, I read it in a week!  Whenever I got a moment to myself, I would whip it out and devour the contents over a cuppa.  I could tell by the way the book was written, that Vicki gave a real, insightful, honest account of her own parenting experience delivered to it’s reader in an easy to digest and helpful way, with many tips and a sprinkling of inspiring stories from people she personally knows along the way.

Whether you are a new mum or well into motherhood like myself, this book will definitely help you to get clarity on how to become a #Mumboss, if this is something you are interested in becoming.  Vicki also shares her own personal journey of motherhood the highs and the lows, of how she juggled family life alongside her own career as a journalist/film-maker, and shares how her career blossomed and transformed after becoming a mum into what she is well known for, an award winning parenting blogger, influencer, author, speaker and online entrepreneur.

Vicki is so generous with the advice she has given in her book, which can help you in so many ways.  If you are looking to get started with blogging to help you get some much needed ‘me-time’ for yourself, this book will show you the steps to take in a very practical way, so that you can start your own journey of shining online.

It will also help you to understand the importance of carving out ‘me-time’ for your personal wellbeing and life goals, which can help you be a better mother to your kids, a better partner and can give you a wonderful creative outlet which you never know could end up earning you some extra cash as a side hustle.

So whether you want to start the business you’ve always dreamed of, start the blog you have always wanted to read, or if returning to work is your next move, then this book will help to manage the struggle to juggle work and life with ease.  So when you return from your maternity leave you will feel like a renewed empowered woman, who manages to run a family household, adopts regular self-care practices, looks after her own wellbeing, as well as being there for your family too.

Wherever you are on your personal journey of motherhood, this book is great to help you gain clarity if you are at a crossroad in your life and not sure what step to take next.

I found it particularly interesting understanding Vicki’s journey into the online world and how she was able to re-invent herself in motherhood using all the skills she already obtained in her previous jobs to becoming a household name to women all over the globe through her inspirational writing, blogging and vlogging.

Vicki’s #Mumboss story is a truly inspiring read, and as she says if she can do it, so can you!

If you feel motivated to transition from where you are in your working career to something more meaningful and fulfilling to you and your family, I would encourage you to look Vicki up on social media and get connected for her regular updates of her wonderful family lifestyle and daily musings.

To order a copy of  Mumboss, A Guide To Surviving and Thriving At Work And At Home – CLICK HERE

Let me know if you have read the book and what part you found most useful to your own motherhood experiences.

Instagram: @honestmum

Twitter: @honestmum




  1. August 27, 2018 / 11:08 am

    Thank you so much for this glowing review, I’m touched by your words. Your blog is beautiful! x

    • Tracy
      October 15, 2018 / 7:29 pm

      Hey Vicki, Thank you for visiting and your kind works. I glad you enjoyed the review.x

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