Day 2 – Getting Organised

Wow! I made it this far, it’s Day 2 and I am feeling like I am getting to grips a bit more with this new diet change and lifestyle routine.

I still have not managed to get to bed at 11pm tonight, but I am sure I will have at least one early night this week.

Today has been interesting, I woke up super early at 6.45am to be exact.  I had an important meeting to attend for work.  I did not feel sluggish upon waking (miracle) and actually I felt quite enthusiastic about the work day ahead despite waking up so early.

The meal I prepared for dinner last night became my lunchtime meal for today.  I realised that with a bit of practical planning, I could do this without it taking up too much of my time.

I prepared my son’s lunch and mine, made breakfast for him and gathered all of my snacks and healthy meal for the day ahead.  Even getting through that part of the morning felt like a major achievement with all of the new things I had to do and remember.

I got to work on time for the 9.00am meeting and enjoyed the rest of the morning working and sipping on water and green tea.  Oh, I didn’t realise yesterday that cups of green tea x 5 as a minimum, is a daily requirement.

Green tea What?  When did I ever drink green tea?  My coach must be mistaken.  First Jessica takes away my best food life, with no decaf caramel coconut lattes for it to be replaced with 5+ cups of green tea.  Really?  Am I doomed to fail?  I think not!  I am going to drink this tea despite the awful taste.  Urghh!

I was so organised this morning that I packed a lime in my lunch bag, which became my lifeline for the day, I added that baby to every hot and cold beverage I drank throughout the day.  Well actually, there’s only 2 beverages I am allowed to drink – water and green tea!

Somehow the lime did make it more enjoyable, and I was able to drink it quite easily.  By the end of the day I got used to stretching out my right arm to grab whichever liquid beverage was available at the time.

At lunchtime, I took a stroll to Mercato, the food heaven for all foodies in Elephant & Castle. The walk was great to fill my lungs with wonderful fresh autumn air and to get some Vitamin D into my skin.  This really helped my step intake for the day.

I left the office late today and decided not to rush home as I needed to pick up some bits from Sainsbury’s to get organised for the rest of the week.

I was one of “those” ladies that looks at every single product for it’s calorific value, fat, carb, sugar and salt content.  I did not realise that this activity could be so much fun.  I saw so many foods that are loaded with sugar, salt and fat, that it made me quite happy to be on a healthy eating plan.

Wasabi PeasThe one thing I will truly miss is Wasabi Peas. I started this love affair for this wonderful small green fire ball a couple of months ago and it has become one of my staple snacks, which could be found in my kitchen cupboards, bag or car.  I just couldn’t live without them, it was my go to snack of choice.  I can be a bit faddy like that.  Before the Wasabi-gate it was Plantain Chips.  If you have not tried them, then it’s a must and they are gluten-free which makes them even more irresistible.

Do you think that manufacturers put “gluten-free” on everything, just to lure you into buying their products?  If you think about it, I think I would probably expect bananas to be gluten-free anyway or is that just me.  I am a bit of a sucker for good marketing, especially when the benefits are plastered boldly on the front of the packaging.

Anyway, I strategically packed 2 bags of even weight to carry one in each hand to survive the long brisk walk to my destination.  The time went incredibly quickly. I was listening to my audio “The Prosperous Coach” and carried the weight of my heavy ruck-sack along with the 2 heavy shopping bags as I briskly walked the long road.

It felt so good as my body really felt like it was doing a work out, as I walked up the road holding my tummy in, and lifting the bags up and down occasionally as if I was in the gym lifting weights.

It took me back to a time when I lived in South West London.  I used to see this mature gentleman power walking along Tooting Bec park.  He was always dressed in just a white T-Shirt shorts or trousers (depending on the weather) carrying really heavy Sainsbury’s shopping bags.  He was very muscular and you would see this man doing this walk in all weathers.

In that moment I felt as powerful and strong as him.  The thought kept me going to the top of the street, until my final destination was reached.  It felt good to feel achy, and I felt good for adding in that extra bit of walking exercise to take me up to 10,198k steps for the day.

However, I am now feeling the sensations of blisters on my fingers and sides of my hands, from the heavy weight of the shopping bags.  I didn’t feel it at the time because of my sheer determination and intention to conquer the journey.

I kept thinking to myself, why had I never done that before?   Was it because I was lazy? Needing to rush home to prepare dinner?  Or just simply, no motivation?  I think if I am being totally honest with myself, I would say it is a combination of all of the above.

However, looking at the situation these are all just excuses.  I accepted this is how it has been for me, however I know that it does not always have to be that way.  I have the power to make a different choice.  Now that I know better I can do better, for myself and my new lifestyle.

Gosh!! I really do hope I don’t start discovering too many excuses that I have made up for myself and my life, during this 10 week plan.  If I do discover anymore of my hidden side, I am happy to share, especially if it means that a challenge or habit is realised and overcome.

My Food Intake Today

I started eating around 1.40pm today (which is really late – even for me).  I ate my healthy lunch, salmon and vegetables with chilli flakes (I needed a bit of heat).  I had one cup of coffee, about 3 cups of green tea and 2 litres of water.  I ate my last spoonful of Wasabi Peas which was devoured slowly trying to savour the flavour for as long as possible.  My evening meal was fish with broccoli and chilli flakes to spice it up a bit.  I broke off a square of dark chocolate and ate it, which was my treat and a nice pick me up boost.  I still did not eat enough food today, but will try to do better tomorrow.

My Exercise Today

Because I left the office late, I challenged myself to the brisk walk home for my cardio, carrying the heavy shopping bags as my weights. It was the only creative way I could think of to fit some exercise into my day.  I got home about 8.30 and before I ate my dinner, my son took me through a 15 minute work-out with the weights in his room, which was just about all I could manage at that time of the day.  We worked on upper body muscles, arms and squats using weights.

My Overall Feelings After Today

Despite getting up really early, I actually felt really good all day. The sun was shining which obviously helps and I got myself organised with meal prepping.

So that’s all for now folks.  I will leave you with this question …

What can you do today, to help you feel more organised for tomorrow?

Let me know in the comments below, until next time.




  1. October 10, 2018 / 5:14 am

    I wonder if the world is working against those trying to stay on a healthy diet.
    When I click on your blog I get a message about cookies. That is just not fair if they are not on the approved food list. It is not just your site, it happens to me several times a day. 🙂
    Blog on !,

    • Tracy
      October 10, 2018 / 9:22 pm

      Ha ha!! That is very funny and sooo true. Those tempting cookies are everywhere. I am resisting though as you know my diet does not have cookies on the “acceptable foods” list. Thanks for stopping by Doug.

  2. October 10, 2018 / 1:56 am

    I don’t know why but it seems that I’m always attracting unexpected events… Even with the best intention to plan my next day.
    But I agree that with real great healthy food, my days are always better and I can keep going!

    • Tracy
      October 10, 2018 / 9:27 pm

      Absolutely Stephie! Planning is key to losing weight and adopting a healthy lifestyle because I find I think less about food and more about how wonderfully gorgeous I will feel at the end of the 10 weeks. Trust me that desire keeps me going. You can start to plan in small ways every day. Good luck, let me know how you get on 🙂

  3. October 10, 2018 / 12:58 am

    Take it a day at a time and you will be surprised at how easy it becomes! Do you drink your green tea quickly? I read that green tea is not meant to “sip” like regular tea, I drink mine as quick as I can. I also have had green tea with cinnamon, quite delicious!

    • Tracy
      October 10, 2018 / 9:33 pm

      Thanks Martha! It is getting easier I can feel a routine starting to form. I was drinking my green tea quickly until a colleague told me to sip it. Blimey if I am sipping 5 cups a day I will have a cup to my lips every minute of the day. I won’t have time to eat or do anything else. Oh or maybe that is the plan!! 🙂 I haven’t tried it with cinnamon, I think that would be nice. However, I am not sure that Jessica would agree as I am not meant to have anything that is not on the “acceptable food” list. But then who will tell her, maybe our little secret. Ssshh!!

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