Day 5 – Being Open To Trying Something New

Day 5!  Thank goodness it’s Friday my lovelies, the weekend is here and it’s time to relax.  I will try and keep this blog post short and sweet.  This morning started with the school run and then I met my new client in my local cafe for coffee and chat about how I can help their organisation with social media management.

We had a great conversation about how social media could benefit their organisation’s visibility in order to attract their ideal audience, so that they can engage with and hopefully assist them further with their careers.   It’s an organisation that is quite dear to my heart, and I understand the industry quite well, so we shall see.  It was a great meeting and I hope that I get the gig.

My client left and I continued to stay in the cafe to do some journalling.  I love to write in my notebook in café’s where I can shut out the world and focus on the task at hand, which is usually emptying my mind over the pages of a notebook.  I jotted down some ideas for my client’s proposal and promised to get back to him after the weekend’s activities of preparing for my son’s school trip.

On the way home from collecting my son from school, I got a call from my daughter wanting me to collect her iPhone lead from home and take it to her work place.  Really?? Errr!!  No, I don’t think so.  She sounded upset, but I knew she would get over it.  Anyone can live without their mobile phone for a few hours, right?

All in all, today was a nice day, no drama, no work place stress, no client stress.  Just a really lovely day.  I remembered, I said I would help a client upload some photos to her blog remotely, with her taking directions from me over the phone.

To be honest, I was a tad bit nervous for her as we were doing it over the phone, instead of sitting side by side, but I promised her it would be ok and we would be doing it together.

She logged onto her own laptop from her home, whilst I gave instructions over the phone on how to log into her website and do backend dashboard techy stuff and 30 minutes later – success!!

She did it, all on her own, practically.  I cannot tell you how pleased and proud I was for her.  She told me how grateful she was to me for helping her have the confidence to attempt the task, and said that we both deserved a nice stiff drink to calm the nerves.  She said her hand was shaking the whole time, while she was pressing the buttons.  Bless her!!

white omeletteAnyway, my first meal of the day started at about 2.30pm which is terrible.  I was so busy running around and really energised by my meeting this morning that I forgot to eat.

It was a meal I have never eaten before.  I cooked a white omelette, (made with just egg whites) which was a meal prepared by Jessica.  It tasted ok, it just looked weird.  Anyway, I ate it and I am still alive to tell the tale.

I was exhausted by this evening.  My other half cooked the food I left out on the work surface and by the time I was finished with my client, dinner was ready and we sat down to eat.


My Food Intake Today

A nice experiment trying the white omelette which was enjoyable.  3 cups of green tea, 4 glasses of water, a snack size Soreen bar, which is on the “approved list” but I noticed afterwards it contains wheat.  It was nice though sliced in half and toasted.  For dinner I ate a few potatoes, broccoli and my fav salmon.

My Exercise Today

Late night stroll with the doggie. Gentle yoga at bedtime with a 5 minute meditation.

My Overall Feelings Today

Really joyful today.  Loved being in my zone speaking to my new client about what I know and love about social media for small business owners.

So what was enjoyable about your day?  Did you try or do anything different? Would love to hear from you.





  1. October 13, 2018 / 10:30 am

    Sounds like you had another wonderful day! The omelette looks delicious with the topping, I’m not big on egg whites but I just may have to try it! Nothing new on my eating today, I need to work on the weekend plan.

    • Tracy
      October 15, 2018 / 7:26 pm

      Hi Martha, yes it was a great day. The omelette was tasty, although I have to say I am not a big fan of egg whites either. So please try it and let me know how you get on. Good luck with your weekend plan.

  2. October 13, 2018 / 4:36 am

    It is good to hear that you have had another great day in the zone.
    Kudos on the charging cable. 😉 (y)
    Keep up the momentum you have created this week to roll on through the weekend.
    #blogboos is cheering for you.
    Blog on!

    • Tracy
      October 13, 2018 / 10:27 am

      Thanks Doug! Yep, sometimes you just gotta say ‘NO’ to our littles darlings. Life’s feeling pretty good at the moment 🙂

  3. October 13, 2018 / 12:18 am

    Love this post as I can feel your joy and celebration. And as a Mom I love that you did not deliver the phone to your daughter. Can be so hard not to want to keep rescuing them. And that omelette looks delicious! YUM! Have a wonderful weekend.

    • Tracy
      October 13, 2018 / 10:33 am

      Hey Minette, I am so glad that I am supported in the ‘NO’. I rarely have to say that word to my little Darlings, but sometimes other things in life take a priority over and iPhone charger!! It actually felt quite empowering for me to not go and drop it off. LOL!! Maybe I can get good at experiencing saying the ‘NO’ and watching other peoples reactions (I will let you know how I get on). Thanks for your comment from a mums perspective – much appreciated 🙂

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