Day 4 – Work That Works – My Zone Of Genius

Yay!! It’s Day 4.  I woke up this morning with a spring in my step, despite going to bed so late last night.  I packed my bags into the car with such enthusiasm, as I was preparing for the day ahead.  Why was I feeling like this?  I was excited to be spending the morning with one of my dear VIP Clients.

Laptop packed for VIP client dayYou see, when I decided to go part-time, it was so that I could pursue my passion as a lifestyle and business coach for women.  I have been coaching women for over 20 years and during this time my coaching has evolved from life coaching to online business coaching and property consulting.

My specific area of interest when it comes to coaching women in business, is helping them gain confidence using digital online tools.  I help them to embrace technology in order to help their businesses grow and gain visibility, as they learn to get more confident with what I am teaching them.

Today was one of those awesome days of working with one of my VIP Clients to help her with her seasonal online marketing campaign.  However, for some reason today was different.  I don’t know if it was due to the lack of calorie intake or because I was feeling a sense of deep purpose and gratitude to actually be doing something that I love that was helping people.  Or was it because today was a complete contrast to how I was feeling yesterday after a long day at work.

We started at 10am and finished by 2pm.  We drank coffee while we chatted, figured out some glitchy problems with her computer, worked on two new email marketing campaigns ready for her to publish on her own, published a post on her “Google My Business” profile, wrote 3 blog posts together and published them on her blog.  She was so happy at her achievements in just a few hours and I was delighted to help.  I was just glad to be working in my zone of genius, with someone that totally appreciated the help.

This is what makes me happy – seeing my clients results, gaining confidence with tech and knowing that my work is appreciated and valued.   I could wake up at the crack of dawn and go to bed well after midnight to do this work.  It lights me up!

The other good thing about days like today, is that I am able to drop my son to school and pick him up, which is something I can only do on my days off work.  Although my son is a 6ft tall, deep voiced teenager, we still love having our special mummy and son car journeys and chats, with just us.

I was also able to be home at a sensible time to cook 2 separate meals.  The family meal and my first meal of the day that I eventually sat down to eat at 7.00pm.  I know this is quite bad as I should be having 6 meals a day according to my nutrition plan, but I was not really hungry enough to eat a full meal before this time.  However, I did enjoy my snacks and drinks throughout the day.

cuppa in the parkI was home early enough to sort out some paperwork for our upcoming holiday, have a chat with my Dad to sort out a problem with his mobile phone apps, and get myself organised for a meeting tomorrow with a new client.  I even had time to enjoy a walk in the park with a cuppa, being in total awe of the various colours of the leaves laying on the floor as I walked through them like a big kid.  I love this season – Autumn!

Whilst the dinner was cooking, I quickly got changed into my gym gear and did my workout.  I sweated, I screamed out in pain and I got through it!  I gave myself a big smile at the end of it.  I actually managed to fit everything into my day and it was only 8pm.  My mother-in-law popped round on the spur of the moment.   I was able to sit down, have a good chat chat with her and help her with her iCloud storage.  I can see a bit of trend here 🙂

Whilst writing this post I am realising that I need more days like this.  Right now it is 9.00pm, which way earlier than I have blogged my daily entry all week.  On reflection of the day, I think I have found my zone of genius and ideal lifestyle, that allows me to be with my family, work in a way that fits my life, and help lovely clients doing the work I love that feeds my soul.  Hhhmm!!  Let me pause there for a moment, while I let this paragraph sink into my mind, body and soul.  I desire to have ALL of my working days be like this, or a version of this.

My Food Intake Today

Unfortunately, this was a day of lower calories than normal, although I was not left hungry. I drank about 1.5 litres of water, 2 cups of coffee, 2 cups of green tea.  I ate a protein bar, steamed cod on a bed of kale, quinoa and sprouts.  For my desert I ate a Rachels organic coconut milk rice pudding (on my acceptable list) although not sure if I should have too regularly.  Feeling quite full today despite eating only one meal today.

My Exercise Today

I didn’t do much walking today, but I was able to have a workout using weights and will do a light yoga stretching session before I go to bed.  I feel good about this level of exercise and can’t wait to start seeing some definition.

My Overall Feelings Today

I am feeling quite blissful today.  Something has really woken me up to how I want to feel on a daily basis.  I feel so energised somehow from today’s client session and my realisation about my work, and I am really excited about my meeting tomorrow.  I am starting to think more about how to incorporate “work that works” for me and my family.  That term is actually a movement hashtag, that I am proud to say I have been using because I believe in it so much.  We must all give ourselves space and time to find #workthatworks for ourselves, which is different for everyone.

So, on that note, have you found your zone of genius in terms of work that works for you?

I would love to hear your thoughts, please write your comments below. Right now I am happy to say that I will be in bed before 11pm tonight.  Yay!!




  1. October 12, 2018 / 4:27 am

    Hi Tracy,
    Maybe you will soon be joining the afternoon class here on #blogboost and leaving us night school here alone.

    Congrats on the change in energetic feelings from such a short time on the new life style.

    I am wondering how the world could get along without all the help you distribute in a day. You must be the go to tech gal for everyone you know.

    Blog on and stay healthy!

    • Tracy
      October 12, 2018 / 7:57 pm

      Hey Doug, ha ha! Yes, I do seem to be. I am always happy to help and they are all learning daily how to be a bit more tech savvy 🙂

  2. October 12, 2018 / 3:41 am

    love the look of your blog; need to go check out ur previous posts and work on my way to finding the zone

    • Tracy
      October 12, 2018 / 7:22 pm

      Hey Vidya, thank you so much. I have used many WordPress templates, but this is the one I am most fond of. Yes, you must back track and find out what has happened the past few days and catch up. Thank you for following my journey, it is great having so much support from everyone.

  3. October 12, 2018 / 12:36 am

    I’m glad you are excited about your new “what works for you” plan! You’re doing great!

    • Tracy
      October 12, 2018 / 7:43 pm

      Thank you Martha, yes I am really excited about my plan.

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