Why I Started The Feminine Code Blog

I started blogging back in 2008! It has been an interesting journey to be where I am today. I have created quite a few different blogs, sharing my many hobbies/interests that I am passionately inspired by, from art, baking cupcakes and my general musings about life as a mum of 2 kids.

In 2009 I started a blog called “Stiletto Millionaires” whilst studying Entrepreneurship at Metropolitan University in London. The aim of the blog was to provide education, empowerment and enrichment of life, to the women in the networking group that I had just set up on meetup.  Over the years, the blog grew and attracted readers around the globe.  The networking group grew too as more members were attending events and workshops.  Social media was just starting to take off at that time and I used every traffic generation tactic to be more visible online.

The Stiletto Millionaires blog brought me much success and opened the doors to many opportunities in my business and blogging career.  I guest blogged for a freelance website and was featured many times as a guest on other peoples blogs as well as being interviewed about women in business using online technology to build a business and brand.

One of my highlights was being featured in an article in LOOK Magazine who mentioned Stiletto Millionaires networking group as being one of the best in London for women from around 750 groups for women. The blog helped to raise not only the networking group’s visibility and credibility, but also my own too.  I have had acknowledgments from media companies which led to me being listed as one of 100 Black Digital Media Influencers, to working on a social media campaign for an Italian Film Producer.

The Stiletto Millionaires blog has changed a lot since those earlier days and now has a totally different focus and direction today.  The blog still continues to be a resource for women in business, but is more of a community style blog with guest bloggers writing the content as well as myself.

Today, I am writing this post on my new blog “The Feminine Code”.  As you read more posts on this blog, you will learn more about my journey, to discovering the “The Feminine Code” and how the principles I learnt can help you to find your flow and create the work-life balance you seek away from all of the busy-ness of life.


As a busy Lifestyle and Business Coach, I experienced burn out as I mentioned in a previous post. This is almost a taboo subject in my industry, because most people go into coaching for a flexible freedom-based career.  At the time I was still working whilst building up my coaching practice and the business model I had was just not working for me.  Today, my business looks considerably different as I have focused on creating online coaching products and doing more group coaching with my clients so that I have more freedom and flexibility in my business and my life.

Blogging has been a great therapeutic practice for me. The Feminine Code blog has enabled me to be in my digital home and share myself online with whoever wants to read my stories, insights and solutions to burn out and overwhelm.  I have worked with many women who have made the shift out of that space to a balanced creative place inside of themselves.  You no longer need to struggle to juggle everything and lose yourself in the process as there are many solutions to help you find your own inner peace.

Whilst recovering from exhaustion and burn out, reading lifestyle blogs and watching YouTubers became my favourite past-time because they provided support in a digital form that was working for me and judging by the comments was working for others too.

In the last 9 months, I changed many aspects of my life.  I started focusing on my wellbeing, diet and health, which I had let slip during the busy-ness of life.  I also engaged in studying feminine practices to help me get back into my flow, whilst being aligned to my purpose.

Reading blogs became part of my daily practice and my sanctuary.  I started to feel a strong desire to start writing again and share my own story to support others.  So, “The Feminine Code” was born.  The blog presents a new way to do life and work in changing times for women, hence the name which says it all!  I feel I cracked the code and now I want to help other women do the same.

I overcame burn out by practicing a set of feminine principles which I live by daily.  I learnt to adopt a routine that fits in with my business and family so that I can live and thrive in the way that works for me.  These principles I will speak about in another post by which you can apply to your own situation,  whether you are an employee or an entrepreneur a mother or a single woman.

Blogging has provided a brilliant platform for me to express my passions of writing a journal in a digital format as well as share work-life balance and business strategies for busy working women striving for flexibility and freedom in todays modern times.

I love that I can write a blog post and have the message connect with others who can comment and add value to my insights and viewpoint as well as being a support and resource for other women who may need support with whatever challenges they are facing in their lives.

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